Magyar | bld 2015.04.02 Haász Miki | |
Welcome to a community where every member has a REAL name. This means one or more first and a last name, starting with capitals and separated by spaces. It's natural for us and we are serious about this, sorry. (We could capitalize the first letters of your name, of course, but we'd like it to be done by you: intelligence test, eh?) You'll get your password in e-mail, change it at your first login on the Members tab. If you forget your password, we can send you only a new one, since we don't store the password itself. We keep your e-mail address private, it's your choice to make it visible on the site. We send e-mails in important cases only. After registration you can enter a nickname. Enter fiftyfive with digits into THE number field. After pressing this button you'll get to the main page. Check your e-mail in order to log in. Sometimes our mail can't be delivered at some providers. Should this happen, you can try it again on the e-mail sender page by failing a login. |